# BYF ?!

mainly danmei and animanga but i also tweet random things including personal matters and my current interest a lot, selective feel free to unfollow if i don't follow you back, i use harsh words in my tweets and post/rt nsfw, i'm proshipper so you do you as long as it's fiction

# DFI ?!

-16, hate any of my favorite danmei, animanga or other interest, lgbtq+ phobic, racist, sexist, fetishizer, fanpol


19, she/her, ina-eng

yuwu, blwy, saye, qqgk, modu, 2ha, c2p, bab, tgcf, mdzs, brsg, guomen, moumou, spl, svsss, ylbwel, caomoli, etc.
jjk, bsd, haikyuu, sk8, given, vnc, free!, tsurune, banana fish, mtp, ons, ryman's club, jgkrk, etc.


softblock instead of unfollow
dm me if i do anything wrong