# BYF ?!
mainly danmei and animanga but i also tweet random things including personal matters and my current interest a lot, selective feel free to unfollow if i don't follow you back, i use harsh words in my tweets and post/rt nsfw, i'm proshipper so you do you as long as it's fiction
# DFI ?!
-16, hate any of my favorite danmei, animanga or other interest, lgbtq+ phobic, racist, sexist, fetishizer, fanpol
19, she/her, ina-eng

danmei |
yuwu, blwy, saye, qqgk, modu, 2ha, c2p, bab, tgcf, mdzs, brsg, guomen, moumou, spl, svsss, ylbwel, caomoli, etc. |
animanga |
jjk, bsd, haikyuu, sk8, given, vnc, free!, tsurune, banana fish, mtp, ons, ryman's club, jgkrk, etc. |
softblock instead of unfollow |
dm me if i do anything wrong |